Your muscles are not going to grow until then, your body is not going to be made until you take care of some things because everyone makes mistakes, but those who make too many mistakes, their muscles are not able to grow, the body is not made. Today I will tell you some such mistakes, I will tell some such things, I will give some such tips, by adopting which you will be able to make your body as soon as possible.
Tip No. 1
If you want to increase the size of your muscles, then today I will tell you about a technique which we call Free Activation Technique, what has to be done in Muscle Activation Technique, as we do workouts, suppose someday we have to do chest workout and guide. After chest workout is over, do five to 10 minutes one to two sets of biceps workout, after that next day when you do its proper workout, then your muscle activation will be quick, due to which your muscle growth will increase very fast, this is a very good technique. You will be able to increase your muscle growth by using what big bodybuilders use.
Tip no. 2
So when all of us go home after working out, then we have to keep one thing in mind that whenever you do workout, whether you are doing home workout or doing workout in the gym, finish the workout, then later if If you take a bath with cold water, then your muscles start repairing very fast, you will be able to increase your muscle growth by using it.
Tip No.3
When you guys are going to sleep at night then you have to sleep in the dark by turning off the light before sleeping, you guys don't have to use the phone because there is a light in the phone which we call blue light and what does it do when Directly falls on our eyes in the dark, then it increases the cortisol hormone in our body and when the cortisol hormone increases, our testosterone level decreases, so never use mobile before sleeping at night. Whatever you want to use, light the light, but after the light is off, you people only have to sleep, do not use the mobile, it will make your body and boost your muscles.
Tip No.4
When it comes to overall growth, one thing should be kept in mind that the food we are eating should have nutrition, it is very important to have bacteria in our body, there are bad bacteria which are bad for our body. Good bacteria which is good for the body, if there is bacteria in the body, then the food will reach properly and if the muscles grow fast, then you can use curd to increase the good bacteria. You will eat curd while eating. Which helps in digesting your food, helps in increasing the good bacteria,
Tip No.5
You train one message in 1 day, keep one thing in mind, unless there is too much pressure on the muscles, if there is no tension, then it will not break and when I do not break, then the body will never be able to be built, so always remember this thing. Keep in mind, you should never train a muscle once a week, you should train a muscle at least 2 times a week so that your muscle growth will be faster and with high protein food Leg muscles will be repaired and it will be able to become big,

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